Apprenticeship Program

To be completely honest, I didn’t really plan to offer this service. I just planned to work in my little corner of the world, doing my soul’s work with perfect fit clients and enjoying myself.

What I’ve noticed, though, is that there are so many healers interested in what I’m up to.

People who are tired of the model of hourly work. Who have spiritual gifts that have been peeking through, just like I experienced for so long. These healers are interested in the spiritual and energetic arts and want to incorporate more of this into their work. They are priests and priestesses at heart.

They’re reaching out to me asking me how I do what I do and wondering if I can teach them. 

Does this sound like you?

The Apprenticeship Program

This program is a guide for those who are interested in energetic and spiritual healing. This is not your typical step-by-step training program. It’s a unique, immersion-based training circle, where you experience mentorship over the course of a 6-month or 12-month working relationship. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with other like-minded healers in the program and experience the benefit of community.

What do you experience?

  • Clarity on your soul’s path

  • Activation of your spiritual gifts

  • Integrating different forms of healing in your offers

  • Stepping into your confidence

  • Support from a loving community of peers


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