Episode 27. The dark side of the psychology world

In today’s episode, I discuss some of the dark sides of the psychology world. I explore:

●      Reasons why I am speaking out about this

●      The meta level changes that are happening in the world right now, which are contributing to the crumbling of certain systems

●      My perspective on the College of Alberta Psychologists

●      The adversarial nature of the College’s interactions with members and applicants

●      Concerns regarding the College’s heavy focus on regulating provisionals and light focus on regulating supervisors

●      What I think the College could do differently

●      Issues around training programs for psychologists

●      What I have heard and experienced with regard to leaders in our industry

●      The most common concern that I hear from therapists and clients- how practice owners behave when therapists leave their clinic

●      Some concerns I have heard about group practice owners

●      An experience I had with being threatened to be sued by a fellow group practice owner

●      The many problems that continue to happen with supervisors

●      A story about a provisional who I helped through a very challenging time with her supervisor

I hope this episode is helpful for you!

~ Dr. Jennie Ward

To connect with me: 

●      Apply for the Private Practice Mentorship Group: https://forms.gle/72XnhuDPxgBcPms57

●      Apply to work with me in the Mastery Paradigm: https://forms.gle/9YrukzKrQsjU5hARA

●      Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thewisdomportal/

●      Contact at info@wisdomportal.ca



Episode 28: The role of feminine mystics in the modern world


Episode 26. What leaders actually need